Digital technology has evidently taken over our lives, both personal and professional – smartphones, tablets, eBooks, digital newspapers, digital storefronts, and digital ecosystems in our living rooms, digital notes, mobile commerce, digital media libraries, digital payments and even digital supply chains!

In today’s era of digital transformation, Banks and Financial institutions offer wide range of online products and services to reach out to end users worldwide. Though multi-channel applications are required and expected to be interoperable across platforms, browsers, servers and languages, it is very much necessary that the end users of the products get security assurance of the personal and financial data, exhibit high performance, compatibility, security and usability.

Our Solution

Hastraa has vast experience in developing an assurance strategy that focuses on Omni-channel assurance, globally distributed users, security assurance, lifecycle automation, and validating business scenarios.

With our experience across many markets and digital banking products, we can guarantee business outcomes and risk containment. Our team of BAs and experienced test analysts can help in documenting and validating requirements accurately and thereby reduce reworks and chances of failure, design right testing strategy, and ensure comprehensive test coverage of all possible business scenarios before deployment.

Key Benefits include: