Best Digital Banking Testing Service Provider in Malaysia

Getting requirements right is core to application quality. As a leading functional testing service provider specialized in test management and automation services, our business-focused approach to SIT and UAT is characterized by a sharp focus on requirements clarity to the atomic level. This ensures that requirements gaps are identified early thereby avoiding cascading impact on subsequent phases of the testing lifecycle.

The purpose of Functional Testing (involving either SIT/UAT) is to make sure that application is defect-free and meets prescribed acceptance criteria before proceeding with production deployment. Traditionally, Functional Testing is performed by business users as a measure of self-assurance before they consent to it be deployed for operational use. Due to inherent risks in this approach, organizations are engaging independent and specialized vendors with credentials to partner for the purpose.

Functional Testing is demanding and challenging task requiring substantial and trained resources to be summoned for a short period of time. In many organizations, it is difficult to find such a skilled workforce and in required numbers available to be locked-in for the full duration of the engagement. Not deploying rightly skilled resources may lead to compromise on quality of testing or longer timelines with no assurance of achieving defect-free quality.

Our Solution

With our domain capabilities, specialist competencies and skilled resources we can assist organizations in roll outs with absolute confidence in the quality of the end-product and within timelines.  Our approach combines the value of roles played by SMEs and test specialists in a testing model to create superior value to you.


Customers will directly benefit by way of superior application quality due to maximum test coverage, lesser defects and rework, lower maintenance, shortened project timelines and rework costs.  Our credentials testify to the value we have created for them and can create for you.