Application and Performance Testing Service Provider in UAE

In today’s digital world customers expect to have a seamless connection between the channels that allows them to use any digital means to transact and communicate with their core systems.

As digital technology advances and as more customers experience the digital delivery of services and products, the need for user experience, device compatibility, performance, and security has become business-critical to customers who embark on such initiatives across various segments. Customer experience has evolved from multichannel to omnichannel.

World Quality Report 2016-17 estimates 31% of the Quality Assurance and Testing Budget for new development is spent on mobile and digital channel solutions and predicted that the overall spending will increase to 40% by 2019. Hence Digital transformation initiatives need a more iterative approach and testing services like mobility, web and digital security are gaining much popularity.

Our Solution

With proven experience in digital, mobile & web application testing services and an end-to-end service portfolio, Hastraa can address various challenges like functionality, performance, security, usability, and cross-device compatibility of your applications across the entire digital landscape.

We help to draw up and initiate an effective digital testing strategy that ensures the quality of mobile apps and offers a homogeneous user experience irrespective of the device used. We offer end-to-end quality assurance services of functional as well as non-functional testing that include digital security, mobility, performance, data testing, test environments, and service virtualization using Hastraa Mini-Cloud, Xamarin Test Cloud, Keynote Device Anywhere Cloud, and Perfecto. With the use of reusable test repositories and with a wide gamut of tool expertise we provide remote access to the required devices.

Key benefits include: